Friday, August 26, 2011

My Personal Journey

For me, it began as it did for most of us, with the rite of passage as a young girl: my first perm.  The burning and frying of my scalp was a small price for (even moreso because I was tender headed) anything that would make navigating through my then thick hair easier, was something I was definitely game for. Anything was better than having someone rake through my "nappy" hair like a lawn mower. Over the years, the price I paid for beauty seemed worth it, and boy did I pay it. Now that I look back on that and my long history with relaxers, curly perms  and other chemicals on my hair, and consider the (gratefully minimum) damage that has been done to my hair and scalp, I wonder what I ever needed a relaxer for, considering the texture that I have. All I need was the right products and the right INFORMATION to understand  the hair I've been given and how to properly groom it.  I could have been spared the pain and damage of NOT knowing what to do with the hair I've been given.  But no time for tears now! It's time to be: The Natural Professional!

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